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July 2022

Coconut cream and coconut milk, what’s the difference?

If you are interested in non-dairy cooking or baking, it will be handy for you to understand the difference between coconut milk and coconut cream. The following blog will help you in all of your culinary endeavours about coconut milk and coconut cream.

Both coconut cream and coconut milk are popular non-dairy milk alternatives. Particularly useful for vegans or those following a Paleo diet.

What is coconut milk?

Coconut milk is the liquid that is extracted from the meat, or white flesh, of the coconut. In short, it is the milk extracted from the pulp of coconuts. A traditional ingredient in Southeast Asian and East African cuisine, as well as Latin American and Caribbean foods, is coconut milk.

What is coconut cream?

In the world of dairy, where cream has a higher fat content than milk, likewise, coconut cream has a higher fat content. Coconut cream is a very thick cream made from coconut milk. Initially, the coconut milk is chilled, followed by skimming off the top layer of cream. The coconut milk has a thick consistency and does not taste sweet.

What’s the difference between Coconut milk and Coconut Cream?

Both these products are made from the same two ingredients: coconut flesh and water, but coconut cream contains more fat and less water. Therefore, it is thicker than coconut milk. Likewise, coconut milk is thinner and more milk-like.

About Kara

Having developed a true expertise in coconut products, Kara offers a wide range of coconut products to suit a variety of lifestyles and culinary needs. Kara’s unique aroma and freshness contribute to the winning formula that has propelled Kara to become the market leader in Indonesia, Malaysia, and Singapore. Currently available across the globe, Kara is helping homemakers and chefs cook up a storm.

Lastly do check out our delicious and simple to make recipes with coconut milk, water and cream!

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